Go Mobile!
Post a score as you walk off the 18th green with the official app of the GSGA. Members can manage their games by posting scores, calculating course handicaps, looking up indexes and more for free. Search for GHIN mobile at iTunes or Google Play. iTunes |Android |
The Georgia State Golf Association is an association of member clubs, including clubs with a golf course and associate clubs without a golf course. In both cases, the clubs are united in purpose: to provide their members with the opportunity to pursue the game of golf with integrity and in accordance with the USGA Handicap System.
An individual may become a GSGA member by joining one of our nearly 350 Member Clubs and establishing a USGA Handicap Index. There are two easy methods for applying, listed below.



Ready to join or renew online? Please read this first!
Click here to view clubs allowing online renewals.
Memberships purchased online expire at the end of 2017.
- The special rate for this online application at any of the participating clubs is $40.00 for adults and $20 for juniors 17 years old and younger.
- When you sign up now, your GSGA membership will run through December 31, 2017. On the application form, you will select a home club based on your zip code.
- Home club options available to you will appear in the drop-down list after you enter your mailing address zip code. Juniors will automatically be assigned to the Junior Players Club. Per USGA regulations regarding club licensing for the GHIN system, you must select a home club that is within a 50 mile radius of your zip code. Once you have selected your club from the list, fill out the remainder of the application and credit card information.
- GSGA accepts Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express.
- If you are renewing your membership, please click here to view the list of golf clubs that allow online renewals.
- If you are renewing your membership, be sure to answer "yes" to the question "Have you had a GHIN number during the past two years?" You will then have an opportunity to enter your existing GHIN number so you are not assigned a new one.
- After you submit the application, you will receive a confirmation email from GSGA with further information and instructions.